

In high school I always tried to avoid being in a certain crowd, there are usually unwritten bylaws to being in a cliche. You can't hang out with these people, you have to dislike these people, you have to like these things, you do all sorts of things you might not necessarily do if you weren't hanging out with people who thought thay way. I've come to realize it's better to be everyone's friend, and have your own best friends. For better or worse I am a people pleaser, to an extent. No matter where I go I can generally get along with just about everyone, but usually don't get past the friend stage. First of all I have trust issues, but secondly, I'm more accepting than most people. Probably to a fault. I'm usually willing to believe people, however if they break my trust it's really hard for me to give it back.

College dynamics don't seem to be so different. There are still the popular people, the cliches, the wannabes, and those who are in the middle. Already, two months in two my time here, I've had opportunites to be part of certain groups. One I would have liked to have stayed in but do to circumstances out of my control, I could not. One I'm not sure I fit the cliche but rather am a good person to hang out with, and I'm more friends with just one of the people. Another I kind of am avoiding getting to serious with or too close to because I'm uncomfortable. I'm torn between staying in the group and distancing myself. Is it better to have a group you're uncomfortable with or to stay a drifter? I'm making the easy choice or lack of choice by not making a decision.

1 comment:

Resident said...

Such a good question.

Does it have to be either/or?

Or maybe one can find a variety of groups to be part of but pop in and out as you desire?

I find more and more that it's like a network of overlapping groups for me -- which leaves me the option of opting to be on my own, as well. I think this started for me in high school, but continues as life goes on. Maybe bc we are always in the process of leaving and arriving, acquiring and divesting.

You'll find your way.